
Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

We are always asking God for things. Weʼre always hoping God will do this or that for us. We are always wanting something from God, BUT what about God? “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that […]

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It’s time once again for the annual Bethel Fellowship International  Ministers Conference at Camp Berachah. Each year we gather to enjoy a time of fellowship and feasting on the Word of God. “Awake the Dawn,” is a very timely theme this year, coming after last year’s conference on end time events. This year our keynote […]

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by Jeremy Spingath [vimeo width=”550″ height=”450″]http://vimeo.com/21740134[/vimeo] Passersby on the streets of Denver, CO were asked what they value most in life. Check it out. Their comments were interesting, and most definitely caught the author off guard by some of their answers.   (Note: Jeremy Spingath is the son-in-law of BFI missionaries to Japan Nils & Andrea […]

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Thankful for Prayer

We’re thankful for prayer covering over Japan! Please allow the Holy Ghost to use you to intercede for Japan; allow Him to pray through you in the words of the unknown language(s) He has given you. This is not a “here today gone tomorrow situation.” The entire nation has been/will be affected by the earthquake, […]

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