
Archive for the ‘Global News’ Category

Update: Rikuzen Takada

Some very good news. I called Tsuzaka-sensei just a few minutes ago this evening to ask about the Moritas, pastors of the Rikuzen Takada Christ Church. He said he had not heard directly from them, but that he heard from Kumagai-sensei, who had left his city to go check on them, that they are both […]

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Loving In Deed . . .

There is no need to tell you of the unbelievable or unthinkable destruction of the 8.9 earthquake and tsunami last Friday, March 11, 2011 in northern Japan. The television news stations have been following the details very closely and keeping the world informed. Bethel Fellowship International (BFI) missionaries in Japan have kept us up-to-date with […]

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